Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Buppa goes to the hospital

Yesterday, (Monday - St. Patrick's Day!) Mom and I took Buppa to the hospital for surgery. He has another clogged artery in his neck. This video is of him receiving an IV from the anethesiologist. He jokes about everything - even when he's in pain.

I love him so much!!!

Ping Pong in Providence

I visited some friends of mine that I lived with in California. Jo and Joe just recently moved back, but Liz has been living in Rhode Island for a few months now. They just got a place together - and a new ping pong table!
This is after a big and longgg tournament -

Sunday, March 9, 2008


I think every girl in America needs to see this.
I, like just about every other girl in this nation, suffered from the deception of beauty in the media. Sometimes I wonder if I entered the field of retouching in order to understand and defeat the struggle. I can certainly say I've grown a lot since my teenage years, but we live in a competitive world. I have to constantly remind myself that beauty comes from within!

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this video.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Dogsitting Diesel

This past weekend, I stayed in Bolton to watch Jeff and Ellen's dog, Diesel. She's so cute. This was her "pick of toy" for the weekend. She has probably a hundred balls hidden around the house, but this ball is the only one she'll chase for. It'll change next week. Lucky for me, it was the ball with the loudest squeak.