Monday, February 25, 2008

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Dogsitting Diesel

This past weekend, I stayed in Bolton to watch Jeff and Ellen's dog, Diesel. She's so cute. This was her "pick of toy" for the weekend. She has probably a hundred balls hidden around the house, but this ball is the only one she'll chase for. It'll change next week. Lucky for me, it was the ball with the loudest squeak.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Retouch Portfolio

Retouch Portfolio

I talked with an incredibly kind man today. His name is James and he is a photographer. He gave me great words of advice on how to get my name out there as a retoucher.
Check out his website -
He not only spoke to a total stranger for 25 minutes, but also consoled his daughter who bumped her head on a wall while we were on the phone.
Seeing that Myspace has been receiving negative attention in the news, I'm making the move to the Blogger. You can still check out my myspace link - Although, I don't know how much longer I will be maintaining that link. I like myspace because it keeps me in touch with friends and allows me to listen to music I never would've heard of.

First time Skiing!!!

This past weekend, Bryan and I went skiing. It was my first time and I absolutely loved it!
Check me out!!